Provide the conclusions of your analysis and recommendations for future action. Include your answers to any questions posed in this section.

BQ 271
Business Statistics
Chapter 7 Case 7.3

Cases are assigned from the end of chapters that represent real world applications of the statistical concepts
discussed in the chapter. You will use Microsoft Excel to perform the statistical procedures. You will also use
Microsoft Word to prepare a managerial report that summarizes the key requirements of the case, explains the
statistical methods used, discusses the results, and recommends a course of action based on your analysis. The
managerial report will be submitted to Safe Assign for originality.

 Managerial report
o Use format available in Sample Managerial Report;
 Section 1 summarizes the case described in the chapter. Include in this section any
descriptive statistics and state the purpose and objective of the case. DO NOT copy the
 Section 2 should describe the statistical methods used to analyze the case. Include
interval estimates, hypothesis tests, tables and charts as necessary. DO NOT include the
data set in the report. Figures and tables should be labeled (Table 1. Descriptive statistics,
Figure 1. Chi-square distribution, etc.) and properly formatted for clarity.
 Section 3 should provide the conclusions of your analysis and recommendations for
future action. Include your answers to any questions posed in this section.

 Excel Spreadsheet
o Use separate sheet for each chart, pivot table, and table created with the Analysis Tool-Pak.
o Name each tab with the name of the table or chart.
o Format numbers to 3 decimal places.