Do you watch crime shows? If you do, would you consider watching a new crime show?

Science and Business – Business Plan 1

Purpose: DEVELOP A BUSINESS PLAN OR A PRODUCT USING THE STEPS OF THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD, you should use what you learned from this module about how the scientific method and business are related to one another.

You will submit a Word Document. The document will answer the following questions:

A: Product Development

Ask a question: Determine a question to be asked about anything pertaining to business including medicine, entertainment, computing, etc. It often helps to think of a problem that maybe you have in your everyday life and how you would solve that problem with a product or a service. Write the question below. Examples might be:

Would Americans watch more crime shows?

Would Americans buy a device that tracks the internal temperature of their refrigerator

Research your subject: Research your idea online. Write any observations that might contribute to your product development. Was your product already created? Are you the first with this idea?

There are more crime shows today than there were 10 years ago.

No device exists that tracks the internal temperature of a refrigerator.

Form a hypothesis: Form a hypothesis based on the question you asked and the research you conducted. Write it below. Examples might be:

Americans would watch more crime shows if they do not interfere with TV shows they currently watch.

Americans would buy a device that tracks the internal temperature of a refrigerator, if it cost less than $20.

B: Conduct an Experiment

Lastly, provide a 3 question survey for the rest of the class to take as the focus group to test your hypothesis. Remember these questions should test your hypothesis, allowing you to get results for your conclusion. Make all your questions yes or no questions.

i.e. Do you watch crime shows? If you do, would you consider watching a new crime show?