Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the three questions above. Identify at least one weakness and strength for each.

Application Exercise No. 3

Survey Construction:

You have been asked to do a follow up study to collect quantitative data about student experiences of starting a Criminology degree at Griffith. Other team members have already come up with three questions.

Concept measured: gender
Level of measurement: nominal

What are you currently studying?
Single degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice
A different degree program, e.g. Law, Forensic Science
Concept measured: degree type
Level of measurement: nominal

How far away do you live from your nearest Griffith campus?
1-2 km
2-3 km
3-10 km
10-20 km
Concept measured: students’ distance to university
Level of Measurement: ordinal

Task 1)

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the three questions above. Identify at least one weakness and strength for each. Table 7.3 (in the textbook) should be very useful for this task. Use complete sentences in your response.




Task 2)

You need to design three additional questions that will further the research. These need to be different from the three that have already been included. Refer to the Table 7.3 (Dillman et al.’s (2008) Principles for Writing Research Questions) when writing your questions, with the aim of producing valid and reliable data.

Below each question, using complete sentences, describe:
the concept the question is designed to measure; (hint: see “Levels of Measurement” in Ch 4 of the textbook)
the level of measurement of data produced from the question; (hint: see first 10 pages of Ch 4 of the textbook; see also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arL2qcnQ8y0&feature=youtu.be)

Be prepared to discuss and share your work with the class.

Question 1:


Response options:

(c) Concept this question measures:

(d) Level of measurement of data produced:

Question 2:


Response options:

(c) Concept this question measures:

(d) Level of measurement of data produced:

Question 3:


Response options:

(c) Concept this question measures:

(d) Level of measurement of data produced: