Select all the female employees with less than 12 years of education from the employee data. Give the sample size.

Section 1: Data Entry in Excel
Enter the data in Excel spreadsheet, make sure to set the Width and Decimals appropriately for each

Section 2: Sampling Techniques and Filters in Excel
Download the Employee data file under tools on Blackboard to your Desktop and do the following:
1- Select a random sample of 100 employees using the “educ” variable, giving its size.
2- How many Male employees in the company?
3- Select all the employees with 12 to 16 years of education from the employee data. Give the
sample size.
4- Select all the female employees with less than 12 years of education from the employee data.
Give the sample size.
5- Use the Stratified sampling technique to select 200 out of 475 cases based on their 16 years of

Note: Upload your Excel sheet.

Case No. Age Gender HT WT PULSE CHOL
1 58 M 70.8 169.1 68 522
2 70 M 66.2 144.2 67 127
3 60 M 71.7 179.3 88 740
4 28 F 64.3 114.8 87 264
5 30 F 62.8 149.3 92 181
6 15 M 80.7 107.8 65 267