DISCUSS Middle Ages/Renaissance Era and Baroque Era

DISCUSS Middle Ages/Renaissance Era and Baroque Era

The written assignment will be a 2 page summary (or 1 page per era) giving an analysis of each era. In this case the first written assignment will be between The Middle Ages/Renaissance era and The Baroque era. Within this summary please provide the following:

* Key notable figures

* Musical characteristics associated with that particular style

* Musical similarities between the eras

* Musical differences between the eras

(Please do not just recite/paraphrase the text, but provide your own reflection on the weekly reading you have been completing to assist with the writing). Just restating the text and/or naming historical information not related to the history of music or drawing appropriate correlations will result in grade deductions.

This will be the same type of format for all the written summaries. APA formatting and apporpriate grammar will be taken into factoring your grade upon submission so please take time to ensure you are submitting your best quality work.

For an idea of how this will look with due dates please see below:

1st summary- Middle Ages/Renaissance Era and Baroque Era