Why are terrorism, globalization, diseases, or climate change multifaceted in terms of how they are defined as policy problems? Specifically, how are they viewed as economic, political, and/or environmental policy problems, and also security ones?

A Post-Cold War World: The diffusion of power, expansion of transnational threats, and America’s growing rivalry with Russia and China

Answer the following two questions relating to your two chosen modern global policy challenges-

1. Why are terrorism, globalization, diseases, or climate change multifaceted in terms of how they are defined as policy problems? Specifically, how are they viewed as economic, political, and/or environmental policy problems, and also security ones? Explain these dimensions for your set of two challenging policy problems.

2. Do you find a clash between the interests of sovereign states and the demands of fully addressing your two policy problems (i.e., terrorism, globalization, diseases, or climate change)? How might these tradeoffs be resolved to find effective global solutions to your policy problems, and what, in your opinion, is the likelihood of effective cooperation on your two policy problems?