In your area of interest, think about a research question that could be answered using a hypothesis test for a mean. Write down this research question and explain what your research is trying to investigate.

Discussion you are asked to formulate a research question and then convert that question into statistical language including the null and alternative hypotheses.
For this Discussion please complete the following:
* Develop a Research Question: In your area of interest, think about a research question that could be answered using a hypothesis test for a mean. Write down this research question and explain what your research is trying to investigate.
* State the Hypotheses: Using your research question, create the null hypothesis that will be tested and the alternative hypothesis. Be sure to use the symbols Ho for the null hypothesis and Ha for the alternative hypothesis.
* One-tailed or Two-tailed: Based on your research question indicate whether you would conduct a one-tailed or two-tailed test. If you would conduct a one-tailed test indicate which direction the test would be.
* Expected Conclusion: Think of a hypothetical p-value (must be between 0 and 1) and provide your expected decision and conclusion from your test of hypothesis based on this p-value.
* Remember that your goal for Discussion is to ensure:
* Responses are on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the Discussion.
* Responses make frequent, informed references to unit material.
* Responses are clearly written.
* A minimum of two or more responses per thread to classmates that are thoughtful and advance the Discussion are required.