Discuss relevant social work values that challenge you to think differently about your new community and which social work values promote the development of the community.

Niagara Falls community walkabout

Choose a neighborhood to walk about. The neighborhood you choose should be new to you and should consist of people who are outside of your natural networks. As you walk about the community, observe its assets instead of its deficits. Talk with at least two people in the community. Try talking to people at a farmers market, at a bus stop, at the dog park, at a food giveaway, etc. Learn their perspective about their community.

In your written paper of 6 pages (not including cover, abstract, reference), please provide the demographic information for your community or the data that is most representative of your community. You will need to learn how to navigate the census tracts database. Identify, gender, race, income, employment, education, homeownership variables.

As you write up your walkabout, use your course readings to discuss assessment, empowerment, social justice through a cultural lens, as well as community development.

Also, discuss relevant social work values that challenge you to think differently about your new community and which social work values promote the development of the community. Finally, discuss any personal bias or personal values that emerged as a result of your walkabout.
APA Formatting (cover page through appendix). This is a paper. Please use APA headings to structure your paper. Use introductory and transition sentences. Do not begin sentences with numbers.