What do you believe your most important job is or would be as a parent? Give at least two specific jobs and explain why they are important.

Parenting Writing

To successfully complete this assignment, you need to have read Chapters 1 and 2 and viewed the Parenting Styles lecture. Take some time to examine your own beliefs and experiences about parenting and answer all of the following questions:
Do you want to become a parent? If so, why do you want to be a parent (or why did you become a parent if you already are a parent)? If you do not want to become a parent, what are your reasons? Give at least two specifi creasons for why you do or do not want to be a parent.
What do you believe your most important job is or would be as a parent? Give at least two specific jobs and explain why they are important.
How did your parents (or whoever raised you) parent you? Categorize them according to four parenting styles you learned about (see Brooks Ch 2 and Parenting Styles lecture) and make sure to briefly explain the parenting style and cite appropriately using APA in-text citations—e.g., if paraphrasing-(Brooks, 2011). or if using a direct quote-(Brooks, 2011, p. #).  Give a specific and clear example of the style(s) that your parents used (if you cite more than one style, give one specific example for each).
Do you plan to use (or do you currently use) the same parenting style to raise your own (real) children as your parents used with you? Why or why not?