What do individuals want to do better or what makes something creative?

4P’s of Creativity

These resources introduce you to this module’s topic by connecting the 4P’s of creativity with real-life experiences.
4P’s of Creativity, opens in a new tab (18 slides)
This is a dynamic outline of this module’s topic.
Only 3% of people pass this creative test, can you?, opens in a new tab (4:47 min)
For fun and to activate your creativity, try solving the problem in the video.
Student Case Studies
Read several of the case studies in your e-book and reflect on how a chosen individual exemplifies one or more of the 4P’s.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
describe the 4P’s framework of creativity,
determine the effectiveness of the 4P’s for solving problems, and
compile detailed action plans for implementing the 4P’s.

Person: what characteristics of individuals may help or hinder idea generation and/or implementation?
Process: what tools, techniques and/or methods are utilized to optimize creative and critical thinking?
Product: what do individuals want to do better or what makes something creative?
Place (Press): how are the internal and external environments (climates) helping and hindering idea flow?