Explain how the public health nurse could go about completing the job, what resources are needed, is it cost effective?

(CSLO 1, 3, 4, 6) The chain of infection is used to explain how a communicable disease is spread. Watch the first 3 minutes of this video then choose a disease that is prevalent in your WHO country. It can be the same health issue you will use for your paper. I apologize for the quality of the audio but the information is very good.
Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5VzjpnFQSg

Instructions: After watching the above video, Choose one communicable disease that is common in your WHO country (INDIA). Then:
Layout the chain of infection: List the causative agent, reservoir, mode of escape, mode of transfer, mode of entry, susceptible host.
Choose two ways the links of the chain of infection can be broken by actions of the public health nurse working in your WHO country.
Explain how the public health nurse could go about completing the job, what resources are needed, is it cost effective?
For example: Rabies causative agent is a virus; reservoir is a fox; portal of escape is fox saliva, mode of transfer is the bite of the fox; mode of entry is a break in the skin from the fox; susceptible host is a human. The public health nurse can break the links at the susceptible host and the reservoir. The public health nurse can break the chain by vaccinating people who work outside and are at risk for bites from wild animals; the nurse can also teach the community to report wild animals with symptoms of rabies so they can be caught and exterminated. The vaccine is expensive but the employer of the outdoors people should pay for the vaccine and that would be cost effective because treatment for rabies is expensive. State game warden is responsible for catching wild animals which cause a problem so this worker is already hired and just needs to be contacted.