Determine which organizations in the community might view the wellness center as a new form of competition.

Create a vision statement reflecting the new mission statement.
Discuss the data elements that should be collected to identify which patients would best benefit from the programs identified in the case study.
Explain the reason you selected these data elements.
Part 2: Program Strategies and Growth Opportunities
Discuss the type of strategy that the leadership team at St. Mary’s pursued.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of this strategy.
The organization is allowing you to hire two new employees to support the program strategies.

Describe the employee roles and the specific qualifications they need to fulfill the positions’ responsibilities.
Part 3: Program Opportunities and Threats
Determine which organizations in the community might view the wellness center as a new form of competition.
Identify the way(s) in which those organizations may be impacted by the changes occurring at St. Mary’s.
Analyze factors described in Chapter 3 that might affect the implementation of this new strategy.
Identify the opportunities and threats related to the strategy.