What advice does the book give? What are its chief claims about management or organizational success/failure?

After reading the book (First Break All The Rules), answer the following questions in a 3-4 page report;

1. What advice does the book give? What are its chief claims about management or organizational success/failure?

2. What types of sources are cited? Approximately what proportion of sources appears to be
a. personal or anecdotal,
b. based on so-called “best-practices” of other companies,
c. other business books or publications,
d. scientific evidence? (check to see if the book provides references to studies that have appeared in scientific journal articles or scientific conferences)

3. What do we know about the author? (check Google or other online sources) and his /her qualifications? Has the author published any articles in scientific (peer-reviewed) journals? If not, what is the source of his/her expertise (why should you listen to him or her)?

4. Find at least two book reviews of the book (preferably at least one in a scientific or professional journal or magazine), and summarize what they have to say about the book’s positive and negative points. How did the reviews influence your opinion about the book?

5. Does the book appear useful? Does it appear scientifically valid? Would you recommend it as a source of management practice? (Explain why or why not).