Read Lon Po Po to the students. As you are reading, stop at the beginning, middle, and end of the story and discuss what happened in each section.

Self- Regulation in Curriculum

1. Read Lon Po Po to the students. As you are reading, stop at the
beginning, middle, and end of the story and discuss what happened
in each section.
2. Explain to the students that every story has a beginning, middle, and
an end.
3. Show students the chart paper that has a picture of the story map
drawn on it.
4. Start with the “Beginning” section on the Story Map. Explain what
the beginning of a story is. Do a think-pair-share to come up with
ideas for what happened in the beginning of the story. Record the
students; ideas on the chart paper Story Map.
5. Next, explain what the middle of a story is. Do a think-pair- share for
the “Middle” section on the Story Map. Record the students’ ideas
on the chart paper Story Map.
6. Explain what the end of a story is. Do a think-pair-share for the
“End” section on the Story Map. Record the students’ ideas on the
chart paper for the Story Map.