Why could you argue that the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride campaign uses IMC to fuel its phenomenal momentum?

The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on your learning and to further your understanding of the importance and principles of IMC by reviewing the 2018 November Foundation’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride marketing campaign.
1. Review: The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride
Spend some time exploring the 2018 November Foundation’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride marketing campaign, as it is a global marketing success story. It demonstrates the importance, principles, and power of IMC.

2. Post your comments
Now that you have reviewed the 2018 November campaign, contribute meaningfully to the discussion by responding to the following questions:
Why could you argue that the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride campaign uses IMC to fuel its phenomenal momentum?
Who are some of the influencers and reference (or peer) groups at work in the November Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride campaign?
What are some of the seven elements of the IMC marketing mix that work together in this campaign and how?
Does November Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride touch your head or your heart? Why is this important?