What is the effect of a thera- peutic pillow compared to standard of care on use of pain medication on post- operative days one and two?

The purpose of this study
was to examine and compare
effects of a therapeutic pillow to a
standard of care surgical incision
splinting device on the subjective
experience of pain and post-oper-
ative use of pain medication
among adults following nephrec-
tomy. Specifically, we sought to
answer the following:
1. What is the effect of a thera-
peutic pillow compared to
standard of care on pain as
measured by the Short Form
McGill Pain Questionnaire
on post-operative days one
and two?
2. What is the effect of a thera-
peutic pillow compared to
standard of care on use of
pain medication on post-
operative days one and two?