What similar emotional comforts do they provide for their followers and for their society?

What is the difference between race and ethnicity?
What is YOUR race?
What is YOUR ethnicity? What does your race and/or ethnicity mean to you, if anything?
How can we simultaneously say that race “isn’t’ real” and race is “important” (how/why is it important)? HINT: the sociological perspective/definition of race that challenges the notion of biology.
How does race continue to be “important” in today’s cultural, political and economic landscape?
What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
Do you think there will be a woman president of the United States in your lifetime? If not, why? If so, what differences, if any, do you think a woman would bring to the office of the presidency?
If the United States had a woman president, do you think that other nations might perceive this as a weakness or as a strength?
Where does the U.S. rank in terms of having female representation in politics, specifically regarding the highest ranking positions. You should be able to research this easily as there are many recent articles with this information readily available.
Thinking about the central tenets of the world’s major religions, such as the Jewish requirement to love God and do good deeds; the Christian prescription to follow the “golden rule;” the Buddhist emphasis on, among other things, right belief, right resolve, and right conduct; and the Confucian principle of “treating those who are subordinate to you as you would like to be treated by people superior to yourself,” list and discuss all the similarities between the world’s major religions.

10. What beliefs and practices do they have in common?

11. What guidelines for everyday life do they share?

12. What similar emotional comforts do they provide for their followers and for their society?

13. What makes Christianity different in its emphasis on faith rather than works?