What is the author’s main point? What are they arguing?

Read the following excerpst and, after summarizing and responding, upload your 2 pages per except. Both should appear as independent essays. Be sure to put everything in your own words and to clarify what the author’s thesis is in your response. When reading scholarship in the field, be sure to critically consider the following points:
1. What is the author’s main point? What are they arguing?
2. What evidence/points do they make in support of their main thesis (e.g. drawings, primary sources, contracts, biographies)?
3. What methodology/tools are they using (e.g. Historicist, Formalist, Marxist, Feminist)?
4. Did you find their argument(s) convincing?
5. Are there questions they didn’t consider, evidence they overlooked, or another methodology that would work better for the the subject covered?