What can the United States do as a nation to deal with the long-standing threat of terrorism as well as the emerging forms of terror attacks? Do you believe that nation building in the Middle East is still a viable option?


READING ASSIGNMENT: (Articles are available on line)

1.“INSIDE AL-QAEDA’S HARD DRIVE” by Allen Cullison

2. “A NEW KIND OF TERRORIST” by David Benjamin and Steve Simon

Please read the first article that chronicles actual emails and letters sent back and forth to and from the leaders of Al-Qaeda, in the years prior to 9/11/01. The principals, Osama bin Laden. Ayman al-Zawahiri and Mullah Omar, et al are mentioned and author several communications between the upper echelons of this terrorist organization. To truly combat terrorism and counter its strategies, it is helpful to understand what they are thinking. These passages lay out, in crystal clear form, the looking glass through which these bad actors viewed their enemies and precisely how they planned to achieve their goals.

Also, read the second short article, which describes a newer type of terror attacks that has evolved, due in part to social media, which is capable of delivering all types of information anywhere and everywhere, at the click of a mouse.

After reading both articles, compile a 5-page paper which addresses the following:

• What types of terrorist threats have evolved in the last few years which present a new and likely major challenge to established governments, nations and civilian population?
• What can the United States do as a nation to deal with the long-standing threat of terrorism as well as the emerging forms of terror attacks? Do you believe that nation building in the Middle East is still a viable option? Explain reasons for your opinion.
• Is it feasible for the USA to act in a unilateral manner, when necessary to protect her interests, or should we be concerned about optics to the remainder of the world’s community as well as the UN? Remember, other nations are currently taking unilateral steps to protect their interests and national security, e.g. Israel, Iran and North Korea. Should their actions be tolerated by the USA? Discuss
• Given the fact that there are various options, solutions and strategies to deal with the possibility of terror attacks, should we feel confident that terrorism can be defeated in our lifetime, or not? Please discuss reasons for your opinions backed up by fact.