What are the ten most common request types between June 2021 and August 2021?

The City of Norfolk releases data from our citizen services portal My Norfolk as an open data dataset:


(1) Connect to the data. There are a number of columns present. How would you check the quality of this data? Demonstrate your process on any two of the available columns.

(2) What is the most common request category for 2021?

(3) What are the ten most common request types between June 2021 and August 2021?

(4) Select one of the most common request types from question 3, and create a map visualizing the request locations. Do any patterns emerge on your map?

(5) [Essay] What other types of data would you want to view in conjunction with this data set (e.g. daily weather)?

Give an example of an analytical question you would want to answer. Could you use this proposed analysis to improve government services?