Value is embodied by a series of activities and processes—a value chain. This provides a certain value to the consumer. What does the value chain comprise, and what features are readily recognizable as far as consumers are concerned?


1. Value is embodied by a series of activities and processes—a
value chain. This provides a certain value to the consumer.
What does the value chain comprise, and what features are
readily recognizable as far as consumers are concerned?
2. There are five potential pitfalls to avoid in planning a
value-oriented retail strategy. Discuss these three:
a. Planning value with just a price perspective.
b. Providing value-enhancing services that customers do
not want or will not pay extra for.
c. Competing in the wrong value/price segment.
3. How do new and mature retailing businesses differ in
terms of their treatment of core customers?
4. How would you differentiate between expected and aug-
mented customer service provisions? Why does customer
service rely on the abilities of employees?
5. How would you measure the level of customer satisfac-
tion with your favorite restaurant?
6. As a retailer, how would you reward social media refer-
rals by customers?
7. What are the unique aspects of service retailing? Give
an example of each.
8. What are the pros and cons of ATMs? As a retailer,
would you want an ATM in your store? Why or why not?
9. Will the time come when most consumer purchases are
made with self-scanners? Explain your answer.
10. Describe three unethical, but legal, acts on the part of
retailers that you have recently encountered. How have
you reacted in each case?
11. Differentiate between social responsibility and consum-
erism from the perspective of a retailer.
12. How would you deal with consumer concerns about pri-
vacy in their relationships with retailers?