Collect qualitative data, analyse the collected data and present the findings (this can be in the form of primary data

Research methods

Collect qualitative data, analyse the collected data and present the findings (this can be in the form of primary data (questionnaires/ interviews) or secondary data (e.g. press releases). There are two papers in the additional materials;

1) “Identity ambiguity and change in the wake of a corporate spin off” – This is an excellent qualitative study and worth a read.Look at the way the authors present their findings. The data structure diagram and the summary table are useful additions in your findings section.

2) “Thematic Analysis” – This is the classic Thematic Analysis paper. There are other approaches, however the 6 stage approach detailed in this study is easy to understand and apply.

kindly check the additional materials for the paper requirements and one exemplar paper from the former student to have an idea of what does the paper look like.