Identify countries where race is not acute and people are not seen on the basis of phenotype. Why do you think this is?

Essay #1 should be 2-3 pages: Social constructionism and Microaggressions essay. Summarize the reading and relate it to Dr. Sue’s research as stated in the video. Define the social construction of race and microaggressions. Think in terms of someone from another country and provide an objective assessment of the pervasive nature of race and racism in the U.S.

Identify countries where race is not acute and people are not seen on the basis of phenotype. Why do you think this is?

Please Reference This Video ONLY

What is the purpose of racism as a social construct in the U.S.? Who benefits and who loses? How does this relate to social, economic, and political realities.

What are microaggressions? What are some that you have heard, maybe even used? How can you grow from this and move to the point of avoiding using them?

What suggestions might you have for supervisors, human resources managers, hiring personnel based on the information in this module?