How do interpersonal relationships change from intake to 18 months posttreatment?

Aim and Questions
The intent of this study was to build on OBH research
by incorporating previous authors’ recommendations for
assessing wilderness therapy outcomes longitudinally.
Specifically, the purpose of this study was to evaluate
changes in young adult participants’ psychosocial well-
being and functioning over time, from OBH intake to 18
months posttreatment. The research questions guiding this
study were as follows:

Question 1: How does overall psychosocial
functioning change from intake to 18 months post-

Question 2: How do distress symptoms change
from intake to 18 months posttreatment?

Question 3: How do interpersonal relationships
change from intake to 18 months posttreatment?

Question 4: How does social role performance
change from intake to 18 months posttreatment