Communicating the Strategic Plan-So how do organizations communicate the strategic plan?

Communicating the Strategic Plan

So how do organizations communicate the strategic plan? As previously discussed, most organizations will have their vision and mission outlined on their website, but how do employees know what the strategic goals of the organization are? Many organizations conduct yearly training/presentations regarding the strategic plan. In the training, organizations will outline their mission and vision, along with providing information regarding what the strategic plan is used for. In addition, the presentation will outline what the goals are for the organization and how they will be met. For example, one of the goals of a probation department is to reduce crime. It is stated in the mission and vision statement that the organization is committed to reducing crime throughout the state. So, in terms of the strategic plan, employees are informed of the steps that are being made to achieve this goal. Specifically, the leadership reports that during the calendar year, 30 new probation officers were hired specifically to work with the high-risk probationers. As a result, there has been a 10 percent reduction in the number of probationers that are revoked to the Department of Corrections. This helps to effectively communicate the action plan and results to employees. It is essential that employees understand the organization’s goals. It is important to the success of the agency to have employee support.

In addition to conducting presentations regarding the strategic plan, organizations may include training that focuses on job functions. In order to achieve specific goals within the organization, it is often necessary for employees to take on additional or alternative responsibilities. For example, the 30 new probation officers that were hired by the probation department required training, office space, supervisors, ride along, etc. which had a direct impact on other employees in the organizations. Although these training tends to specifically focus on job-related tasks, they are directly a result of the strategic plan.

Now that you have developed a plan to implement your strategy, you need to train the organization on the changes. In your presentation, be sure to include the following:

Discuss the necessity/importance of the changes.
Outline the changes.
Provide a timeline.
Identify specific jobs/roles that will be impacted.
Outline changes in procedure.
Discuss the proposed effects of implementation.
Length: 12 – 15 slide