What else would you like to know about this person’s life, work, or beliefs that you could not discover?

Description: Students will select an individual who contributed to social work/welfare and complete an intellectual biography of that individual’s
contributions to social work/welfare. The paper should not exceed ten (5) pages. A list of acceptable figures will be placed on Blackboard. The paper must have 3 peer-reviewed academic sources. The paper will include the following:

1. General Biographical information (Place and date of birth and death; area of residence; educational history [pre-school to post-secondary]; familial history [social class of origin, ethnicity, marital status, reproductive history], etc.).
2. Causal entry to Social Welfare (Abolitionist, Suffragist, Civil Rights, etc.).
3. Intellectual, service, and social justice work of the person.
4. To what intellectual school or cultural movement did the individual belong?
5. Discussion of the parallels between the individual’s personal life and work.
6. Discussion of the significance of the person’s life and work.
7. What contemporary policies and/or advancements can be attributed to the person’s work?
8. What work or issue would the person be engaged in/with today?
9. What impressed you most about this person? What, if anything, disturb you about this person?
10. What else would you like to know about this person’s life, work, or beliefs that you could not discover?