Watch one of the TEDtalk videos for each topic, based on your interests. In your initial post, describe key points that you learned from video and discuss how you can apply what you learned from the video. Respond to at least one classmate by Sunday

Watch one of the TEDtalk videos for each topic, based on your interests. In your initial post, describe key points that you learned from video and discuss how you can apply what you learned from the video. Respond to at least one classmate by Sunday.

Topic A: What is Psychology (Chapter 1)
-Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology. TED2004 (23:38 min)
-Nancy Kanwisher: A neural portrait of the human mind. TED2014 (17:41 min)
-Allan Jones: A map of the brain. TEDGlobal 2011 (15:15 min)

Topic B: Biology and Psychology (Chapter 2)
-Helen Fisher: Biology of the mind. TEDxEast (21:43 min)
-Karissa Sanbonmatsu: Biology of Gender from DNA, to the Brain TEDWomen (12:45 min)
-Daniel Amen: The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | | TEDxOrangeCoast (14:36 min)