If your data is mostly in Social Media, then what is the network path that it will traverse to get into your data warehouse?

Regarding the company you are writing about in your project – what issues will you have with NETWORKS between your Data Analytics function, your  BIG DATA storage, your cloud presence, and your source data.
For instance, are these things in the same place, or are they separated across the internet?
If your data is mostly in Social Media, then what is the network path that it will traverse to get into your data warehouse?
Where is your application software?  Is it in the cloud with your data or is it in the data center with your data – or is there some other kind of arrangement.
Is HIGH-SPEED communications a requirement for your DATA ANALYTICS function? If so why? If not why not?
The answers to all of this will vary according to your different company designs so you’re going to need to start your answers by saying something like “My customers will get monthly reports …” or maybe