Discuss the process an employee must follow to file a claim against their employer- how does a person know where to go? What does a person need to file a claim? What process will the agency follow to investigate the claim?

This paper will address issues of administrative law and employment law. You will respond to all parts of this paper, as outlined below. Your paper will be 5-6 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, and in APA format. Your paper will include, at a minimum, 5 separate credible academic sources.
There are many laws prohibiting discrimination in the workplace. You will discuss, for this part of the paper, Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. This piece of legislation prohibits discrimination in the workplace. You will discuss at least 3 of the protected classes of persons who can file a claim under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You will include case summaries (U.S. Supreme Court cases) and refer to credible academic sources that illustrate the 3 protected classes you choose to discuss.
The Equal Employment and Opportunities Commission, a federal administrative agency, and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, a state administrative agency, handle claims of employment discrimination. You will research and discuss the process an employee must follow to file a claim against their employer- how does a person know where to go? What does a person need to file a claim? What process will the agency follow to investigate the claim? You will include a minimum of two references to credible sources for this section.
Imagine you are the attorney on retainer for an employer. What advice would you give your client about his/her employment practices? What suggestions would you make to your client about ways to avoid potential discrimination claims? This section will include references to the text, and references to real life corporations that have best practices in place to avoid these claims.