What have scholars said about the internship hostagency? Description of the Internship Host Agency and Internship Job Title

Capstone paper for Quad Cities Community Foundation
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
a. Planning and community development research
b. What have scholars said about the internship hostagency?
3. Description of the Internship Host Agency and Internship Job Title
a. Reporting lines in the agency
b. Relationship of the host agency to state and federal agencies
c. Relationship of the host agency to the host community
d. Specific role you played in the agency – Describe the project(s) worked on during the agency
4. Reflection on Internship Experience
a. How was the internship experience connected to the broader scholarly community economic development/planning literature?
b. How does your agency make a difference in the community?
c. What were some of the most important issues addressed by the host agency?
d. What were some of the most important things you learned during the internship?
5. Conclusions
a. What was the most surprising thing you learned?
b. How do you think this internship will help your career in community development?