Illustrated the permanent or long-term changes might execute post-Brexit deal. Upcoming changes will affect grocery industry with huge portions loss of supply chain, EU labour but to permit easier employ of overseas nationals

“The impact of Brexit on the UK grocery industry and shoppers” (McKentt at el., 2019) illustrated the permanent or long-term changes might execute post-Brexit deal. Upcoming changes will affect grocery industry with huge portions loss of supply chain, EU labour but to permit easier employ of overseas nationals

Brexit latest: UK should brace itself for months of food shortages from 1 January, delivery experts say” by Davis Parsley (2020) summarize prospective of post-Brexit legalisation of custom and tax. That is mean; UK consumer can face shortages of choice and empty shelves. The end transition period will impact of long queues on border, additional cost and higher food prices

Tesco in December 2020 announce that Brexit will have “very modest” impact on price (BBC News, 2020). The editorial “Tesco: Brexit impact on food prices ‘very modest’” (BBC News, 2020) present possible increase food price and customers choice habit might change.