Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of a variety of business types and their functions;

LO 1 Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of a variety of business types and their functions;

LO 2 Appreciate the impact of functional management activities on organisations and the people within those organisations;

Essay-1500 words.

You are required to produce an essay on “Understanding business organisations and their environments” through the use of a variety of research materials. You must show evidence of research by giving in-text citations and a reference list. It is an excellent practice to provide in-text citations after every 5 – 6 lines at level 0.

Front cover – Your cover page would be the first page of your Essay.
student-ID number
module name
tutor name
academic year/group bubble. Your cover page would be the first page of your Essay.

Introduction = 150 words.
give an overview of what the Essay aims to do. To simplify this, you can re-word the relevant sections of the assignment brief, e.g. assignment task details. Introduce the entire topics 1- 5.
Give the definition and outline of three advantages and disadvantages of the different types of business, for each 6 types of business organisation : sole trader, partnership, limited company, private limited company ,
co-operatives , charitable organisations
Compare and contrast organisational structures.
Discuss different business functions such as Human Resource Management, Production, Operations, etc. and the impact of their functional management activities on organisations and the people within the organisations.
Define organisational culture and explain how positive culture impacts on the success of an organisation.
You should include examples of industry practices from different organisations.
Paragraph 1 – task 1 – 300 Words
After writing the introduction, you will start addressing the 5 assignment tasks one by one. In paragraph 1 you will address task 1 of the Essay by defining and outline of three advantages and disadvantages of the different 6 types of business sole trader, partnership, limited company, private limited company , co-operatives , charitable organisations. Make sure you include industry examples in your discussion.
Paragraph 2 – task 2 – 300 words
In paragraph 2, you will address task 2 of the Essay by comparing and contrasting the tall and flat structure of an organisation. Make sure you include Industry examples in your discussion.
Paragraph 3 – task 3 – 300 words
In paragraph 3, you will address task 3 of the Essay by discussing any three business functions such as Human Resource Management, Production, Operations, etc. and the impact of their functional management activities on organisations and the people within the organisations. Make sure you include industry examples in your discussion.
Paragraph 4 – task 4 – 300 words
In paragraph 4, you will address task 4 of the Essay by defining organisational culture using well-reputed sources and explain how positive culture impacts the success of the organisation. Make sure you include industry examples in your discussion.

Important note regarding – Task 5 of the assignment (You should include examples of industry practice from different organisations) – By including industry examples in the above four paragraphs, task 5 will be achieved. Therefore, students do not need to write separate paragraphs to achieve this task.
Conclusion – 150 words
After writing the above four paragraphs, you will give the heading of the conclusion, and in your conclusion, you will write a summary of the Essay.

Reference Page. Minimum of 15 Sources, including Journals, Books and use a variety of academically accepted sources.