Complete the following charts. The historical claims are provided for you; your task is to identify evidence (a quote) each writer used to support their claims and to explain how the quote supports a claim.

Step 1—Closely read and annotate the Sepúlveda and Las Casas documents. Highlight lines that relate to the Valladolid debate claims and counterclaims.

Step 2—Complete the following charts. The historical claims are provided for you; your task is to identify evidence (a quote) each writer used to support their claims and to explain how the quote supports a claim.

Sepúlveda Claim
Quote from Document 1
How Does the Quote Support the Claim?
Indians are barbarians and should be enslaved.
Indians commit crimes that violate natural law.
Indians subjugate and kill other innocent Indians.
Indians should be made to convert to Christianity by force.

Las Casas Claim
Quote from Document 2
How Does the Quote Support the Claim?

Indians are rational human beings capable of learning.
Indians should be peacefully persuaded to convert to Christianity, not forced.
Spain has no right to enslave or to make war on the Indians.
Indians have complex language, and most do not practice human sacrifice.

Step 3—Now it’s time to stretch your brain and your AP Historical Thinking Skills. Which quote from each document do you consider most powerful? Identify one quote from each document. Then discuss why you chose each quote in a brief paragraph. Be sure to cite specific information from the lesson and/or your assigned reading to support your answer. (The quotes do not have to be from those you placed in the chart.)