Discuss the planning, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based, person-centred care for people living with LTCs.



Structured analysis: Identify someone who you are working with who has at least one LTC and who consents to allow you to discuss their condition and the challenges it presents. Using this information, analyse the implications the LTC has for the person and their family. Focusing on the themes of the module, explore how the person is able to manage their LTC and what additional strategies would support them and their family/carer to remain living well in the community.

Word limit: 2,500 words

Weighting: 100%.

Learning Outcomes

1. Summarise the altered physiology in people living with LTCs, and reflect on the impact it has on the person’s wellbeing and that of their family/carer.

2. Analyse and apply holistic, evidence-based assessment strategies for people living with complex needs and/or LTCs and their family/carer.

3. Explore the complex nature of LTCs and the need for effective integrated care.

4. Discuss the planning, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based, person-centred care for people living with LTCs.

5. Analyse and demonstrate the importance of shared decision-making in working effectively with people living with LTCs and their family/carers to enable self-management.

6. Adapt and apply effective interpersonal and communication skills with people who have LTCs, using a range of skills and strategies in order to meet their needs, and enable them to live well in their chosen environment.