Develop two matrices to use as research tools to assist in the comparative processes – both matrices should be attached as appendices to the report but are not included in the word count.

Aim of the Assessment
The aim of this assessment task is to enable students to develop an appreciation of the client organisation’s business environment strategic objectives; develop an understanding of the activities of the business environment; and to explore some of the complexities of business management practice.

The real-world purpose of the benchmarking report is to enable the client organisation to better achieve its strategic objectives to develop a sustainable business environment. The report should compare the clients business environment’s strategies, initiatives, goals and targets (or some specified components of these) for the sustainable development of business. Matrix Two will contain an analysis of the strategies, initiatives, goals and targets of three organisations which are considered appropriate and suitable for benchmarking.

The report will draw on your initial research collated in Matrix 1 of comparable organisations you consider suitable for benchmarking.  The report should justify your selection of comparable organisations. The research data will be sourced from web sources which might include (but not limited to) the industry websites, statistical repositories, websites of similar or comparable organisations, as well as, appropriate academic literature.

In compiling the report, students will be required to undertake the following:

Develop two matrices to use as research tools to assist in the comparative processes – both matrices should be attached as appendices to the report but are not included in the word count.

The first matrix should be used to scope out a range of possible benchmark organisations to assist in your choice of the organisations that you will ultimately use to benchmark. Using this data, the report should substantiate your choice of the organisations considered appropriate for benchmarking.

The second matrix should be used to compare the strategies, initiatives, goals and targets for the development of sustainable of three organisations selected for benchmarking. This matrix contains three (3) organisations selected from Matrix 1.  An analysis of these Matrices should form the basis for industry analysis.

Identify and analyse, in the context of sustainable business development, the three organisation’s strategies, initiatives, goals and targets, as well as any relevant gaps when these are compared with the benchmark organisations.

With reference to the organisation’s strategies, initiatives, goals and targets, develop an analysis (and justify) of the industry.