Describe both of the firms and their management, including their strategic objectives. Provide sufficient detail to support the rest of your analysis.

For this first milestone, you will describe each of the two firms you have selected for your final project, including their management and strategic objectives. Your evaluation of the firms will include an analysis of the cash flow management practices of each company for the last three fiscal years—including cash, accounts receivables, accounts payables, fixed assets, and inventory. The two companies is Starbucks and Dunkin Donut Company.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be included:
I. Background: Describe both of the firms and their management, including their strategic objectives. Provide sufficient detail to support the rest of your
III. Evaluation of the Firms
A. Analyze both companies’ cash flow management practices for the last three fiscal years, including cash, accounts receivables, accounts payable,
fixed assets, and inventory. Cite specific examples and figures to illustrate.
B. Analyze both companies’ working capital cash flow management practices, including cash, accounts receivables, accounts payables, fixed assets,
and inventory. Cite specific examples and figures to illustrate.