Seller Bid Assessment-How much engagement has there been already with their IC?

Seller Bid Assessment
Any unusual conditions?

Is bid dependent on debt finance? If so, do they have a term sheet agreed with a bank? Is there any risk, what is LTV expected?

Is equity all in place? Do they have discretion to buy or do they need to find a partner ?

Are the Buyers known to you or your advisors?
How much work have they done before submitting their bid, how serious are they?

Have they shown real interest, how much activity has there been in the data room, have they studied the info in detail, is everything in the Dataroom reflected in their bid?
What has their recent history of bidding/deals been? Have they been reliable, do they do what they say, or do they have a reputation for trying on price chips?

Any reason they might be particularly keen?
Have they missed out on another similar
deal recently?

Are they highly motivated?
§What is their investment decision-making

How much engagement has
there been already with their IC?

What are the execution risks?

What deals
have they not closed on and why?

Is there scope for them to improve their bid?

What are their main concerns, could we get
a better price if we address these?

Who are their advisers, how are these

How straightforward should the rest
of the process be if they’re selected?

What is the difference in pricing between
theirs and other bids and how does
certainty of execution compare amongst
the bidder