Determine which style is more dominant in your own style of leadership

This questionnaire is designed to measure your task-oriented and relationship-oriented leadership behavior. By comparing your scores, you can determine which style is more dominant in your own style of leadership. If your task score is higher than your relationship score, you tend to give more attention to goal accomplishment and somewhat less attention to people-related matters. If your relationship score is higher than your task score, your primary concern tends to be dealing with people, and your secondary concern is directed more toward tasks. If your scores are very similar to each other, it suggests that your leadership is balanced and includes an equal amount of both behaviors. If your score is 40–50(I scored a 43), you are in the high range.

Class: Leadership Theory
Style: APA
Assignment :
300-350 words

(a) why you think self-awareness and self-reflection is important for today’s leaders
(b) methods you have used to be self-aware or to self-reflect (and how effective they’ve been)
(c) an example of a leader who is self-aware and/or self-reflective