Write a 3–5-page paper in which you first recommend 3 ways the Macdonald and Joughin Model of Assessment can be adapted/improved to better reflect the current definition, purposes, and approaches to assessment.

Macdonald and Joughin Model of Assessment

Research Paper: Assessment Models, Processes, and Stakeholders Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, you will write a 3–5-page paper in which you first recommend 3 ways the Macdonald and Joughin Model of Assessment can be adapted/improved to better reflect the current definition, purposes, and approaches to assessment. Then, you will analyze the Liberty University process of assessment described in the Module 2: Week 2 narrated presentation PowerPoint and suggest ways to incorporate specific, appropriate stakeholders into different stages of the process. Finally, provide judgments of the extent to which faculty should be involved in the university general education assessment and in their own departmental/disciplinary assessment. You must use current APA format when writing the paper and cite a minimum of 10 different sources. A source can be cited more than once. At least 1 biblical source must be included.