Discuss what you specifically LEARNED from each example. Identify 5 examples of what you learned about the the cognitive, emotional and social impact of mental illness on the families (& others) of those with mental illness.

To support application of learned content, this course requires that students read one autobiographical book detailing a person’s personal experiences with mental illness. The objectives of this activity are to not only expand knowledge of the disorders, but to help students better understand the cognitive, emotional and social impact of mental illness on individuals and also on their families. In addition, this activity seeks to develop and nurture empathy within students for the symptoms, often long term experiences and significant challenges faced by those with mental illness.

For this course, you read:

Cahalan, S. (2012). Brain on fire: My month of madness. New York: Simon & Schuster. (2ndedition)
After Reading “Brain on Fire”:
You will compose a brief paper (approximately 5 pages) as outlined below:

Provide a brief summary of the book. (no more than 1-2 pages!)
Identify 10 examples of what you learned about the specific mental illness presented in the book. You should: 1) number each example, 2) indicate the page number for each example, 3) directly quote or summarize book content for each example, 4) discuss what SPECIFIC course content is connected to each example (NOTE- you MUST reference the source of the other course content- including what the source is- textbook, video, other reading, AND include a specific page number or section of the video), 5) discuss what you specifically LEARNED from each example.
Identify 5 examples of what you learned about the the cognitive, emotional and social impact of mental illness on the families (& others) of those with mental illness. You should: 1) number each example, 2) indicate the page number for each example, 3) directly quote or summarize book content for each example, 4) discuss what SPECIFIC course content is connected to each example (NOTE- you MUST reference the source of the other course content- including what the source is- textbook, video, other reading, AND include a specific page number or section of the video), 5) discuss what you specifically LEARNED from each example.
Provide a conclusion and course reflection. (approx. 2 pages) Answer the following:
What was most surprising or shocking from the book?
How did your thoughts and feelings about those with mental illness change or not change as a result of reading this book and completing this course?
Concluding discussion on what you learned from this assignment and the course.
A formatted example is provided below.


Book Summary

In 1-2 pages , provided a brief but thorough summary of the book.