Discuss the topic of how we work to improve awareness Mental Health: Stigmas, Public Health Efforts,

Discuss the topic of how we work to improve awareness Mental Health: Stigmas, Public Health Efforts,
1. The paper must be a minimum of ten (10) pages in length NOT including the cover page, abstract, table of contents (optional) and reference pages. Charts, graphs, photos, drawings, lists and extended quotes* will not count against the pages of written text required. *Note: It is a rare instance that an extended quote is appropriate and most of the time they are considered non-academic.
2. References must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for reference and bibliographic citation. If necessary, refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ED). 2009 Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
3. You must use at least five (5) academic bibliographic sources (in addition to any of the required course readings you may use). The University does not support the use of Wikipedia.com as a source for academic research papers.
4. Use Times New Roman Font in a 12-point font.
5. Use 1 inch for the top, bottom, left and right margins.
6. Use proper APA format as given to you in the attached example.
Submission: You must submit your completed paper through this assignment as it will be subjected to TurnItIn NO PLAGIARISM. Save your file in the following format before you submit: Last Name, First Initial Topic (i.e. Jones, L Measles Eradication). Failure to submit the file in the proper format will lead to point deductions.