Identify an area or areas of your life where you will use information learned from this course. How might learning about different perspectives and biases influence your work, relationships, and other areas of your life?

SCS 100 Module Eight Journal Reflection Guidelines and Rubric
Prompt: Identify an area or areas of your life where you will use information learned from this course. How might learning about different perspectives and
biases influence your work, relationships, and other areas of your life?
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Submit your journal reflection in a Microsoft Word document. Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Engagement of
Describes how learning about
different perspectives and
biases might influence work,
relationships, etc. Description lacks detail and
relevance to perspective and
bias Does not provide a description
addressing how perspectives
and biases might influence
work, relationships, etc. 40
Focus of
Provides focused and direct
reflection when describing both
areas posed in the question Provides reflection, but the
focus is unclear o r unrelated to
the questions posed Does not provide reflection or
describe the areas posed in the
question 40
Clearly communicates key ideas
and thoughts in a short-answer
response Response needs clarification in
order to support understanding
of key ideas and thoughts Response is not legible and key
ideas or t houghts are not
understandable 20
Total 10