How does the author get the reader to reconsider stereotypes and generalizations about a specific culture?

Instructions: Respond to both of the questions below using evidence from one of the following texts in Writing on the River: “Blue Collar Brilliance,” “The Danger of Teaching Children to be Colorblind,” or “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.”
What is the author’s main argument in the text? What do they want us to believe about humans?
How does the author get the reader to reconsider stereotypes and generalizations about a specific culture?
Technical requirements:
200+ words of relevant content
At least one direct quote, properly punctuated and integrated smoothly into your sentences. Remember that integrating a quote means including, in your words, an introductory phrase before the quote AND a comment/explanation after.
Clearly-organized paragraphs with transition words/phrases between new ideas and examples (not one giant block of text)