From the video, identify four (4) factors that contributed to Ben’s escalating behaviour.

There is a tendency to assume Ben is returning to a mental health facility, but we do not want this to form the basis of your discussions. Your assignment should focus on factors, behaviours and strategies that you need to be aware of, for use in a general setting.
watch the following video to see what happens next.
Using De escalation Skills in a Healthcare Setting – YouTube
From the video, identify four (4) factors that contributed to Ben’s escalating behaviour. This should be presented in dot point format and should be less that 30 words, as you are not explaining or discussing them in this section. Using the literature to inform your response, discuss how these four (4) factors can contribute to patients and families displaying aggression (400 words).

Using the literature to inform your response, identify and discuss two (2) strategies or behaviours that could have been used to de-escalate Ben in his situation. Within your answer, provide an evidence-based rationale for the use of each strategy/behaviour, with support from the literature. (300 words per strategy/behaviour)