Write an essay exploring a leadership skill/style employed within an episode of care. Evaluate the leadership skill/style used and its impact on team-working and service provision as a Nursing Associate

Write an essay exploring a leadership skill/style employed within an episode of care. Evaluate the leadership skill/style used and its impact on team-working and service provision as a Nursing Associate

Use relevant theories and literature to identify whether the leadership skill/style was appropriately implemented within this episode of care.

Introduction (300 words):

Make sure you answer the What? How? Why? Questions. You had no introduction in your work.

LO1: Discuss models of leadership and the impact of these within teams and organisations.

You have discussed leadership styles briefly, however, no discussion on them in the NHS, and no link to the negatives as well as positives.

LO2: Demonstrate effective team working in healthcare, using appropriate communication and engagement techniques.

Your teamwork example needed to be a single example on patient care; you have not written a teamwork example.

LO3: Identify and explore processes that contribute to quality and service improvement.

Quality Improvement examples given, however, need to be linked to the role of the NA.

You need to develop this further as presently it does not appear that you understand the role of leadership for Nursing Associates.

Note :

Please this essay is for Nursing Associate and not Nursing . The role of Nursing Associate is entirely different from Nursing Associate please refer to NMC standard of proficiency for NA.

In the body of the essay  explain different types of leadership. Choose democratic leadership styles against others as the type of leadership used . the pros and cons and how this was used during an episode of care .

Please include the citation.

Use NHS website and NHS UK an example .