explain Voodooism theological standpoint in the 21st Century. I will explain how Voodooism has impacted the 21st Century.

Explain Voodooism theological standpoint in the 21st Century. Explain how Voodooism has impacted the 21st Century.

a. Specific purpose(s) or objective(s):

●  Explain Voodooism theological standpoint in the 21st Century. Explain how Voodooism has impacted the 21st Century.

●  Explain the impact of the Voodoo faith in America today.

●  Compare and contrast Voodooism faith to Christianity.

●  Explain the misconceptions of Voodooism.

● Explain the collaboration of Catholicism and African – Faith. b. Learning activities:

●  Research through the library and to collect a bank of valuable information to include in their writing.