Explain how Covid-19 is considered a disease that divides the American society.

This is your last weekly assignment. Based on this week’s course material (lecture videos, PPT slides, and readings), answer the following questions. Where appropriate you may draw on the course material from previous weeks as well as your own personal experiences or observations as additional sources of information.
Expected length of response: 300-500 words (half a page to one full page) per question.

Explain how generations are defined in the American society and describe the criteria or principles used to define generations.

Why do some social scientists view the elderly in the contemporary American society as a social problem that needs to be investigated and understood?

Explain how Covid-19 is considered a disease that divides the American society.

How do aspects of diversity such as age, gender, ethnicity, race, class, etc. affect our health condition and the way we use/access medical care?

Compare and/or contrast the challenges faced by and hence the struggles of people with disabilities and other marginalized groups in the US?