Briefly explain the value of exploratory research in this initial stage of the research process.

1a. Using the area of interest selected in module

1, identify the Business Administration problem, concern, or situation will study for your project. Briefly explain the value of exploratory research in this initial stage of the research process.
1b. Which is better for your research:

(1) secondary data analysis,

(2) pilot studies or (3) other? explain your rationale.

2a. A clear research objective focuses the project. Observation, case study, secondary data reports are all effective ways of gaining basis for the project. How are you forming your background and foundation for the project? Explain what previous knowledge exists that your project is based on.

2b. Compose a research question for your project incorporating your objective to address the problem, process or opportunity identified.

How can Tesla address financing issues with charging stations in the US market?
This research aims to identify cost-effective methods that Tesla can use to build charging stations that do not affect the company’s bottom line.