Use theSimplified Customer Journey Maptemplateto create a Customer Journey Map for the purchase. In your Customer Journey Map:

Choose a product and/or a service (from a high involvementcategory) that you

2. Use theSimplified Customer Journey Maptemplateto create a Customer Journey
Map for the purchase. In your Customer Journey Map:

● Briefly elaborate on goals, actions, thoughts andfeelings corresponding with your
experiences during thepre-sale (touching on awarenessand consideration),sale
(touching on selection and purchase) andpost-purchase stages (touching on
satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy).

● Assess your experiences at each stage ranging fromgreat to negative. Note your

3. Next, create a Consumer Diary by chronicling thepurchase. Address these points in
your Consumer Diary:

● Note your perception of the retailer and of the serviceand/or product offered.
Use the theory on perception to frame your discussion.

● What influenced your decision-making process? Consideryour needs, motivation,
and personality coupled with the theoretical modelon decision-making.

● Did any external factors (i.e. family, social pressure,culture, stimuli (advertising,
etc.), word-of-mouth, country-of-origin) play a rolein your decision-making?

4. Elaborate on the ‘Moments of Truth’ with accompanying emotions (i.e. WOW
moments/Pleasure points, Pain Points, and Equity Points)occurring in your Customer
Required reading:Moving the customer experience fieldforward: Introducing the
touchpoints, context, qualities (TCQ) nomenclature(De Keyser et al. 2020).

● Where does the retailer need to fix or remove touchpointsto improve the CX
based on these ‘Moments of Truth’? Incorporate De Keyser et al.’s (2020) ideas on
CX Audit, proposing specific actions to eliminateexisting Pain Points (see Step 4
in CX Audit).

● Similarly, consider the CX Innovation and Design Stepsoutlined by De Keyser et
al. (2020) and discuss which step/s may improve andelevate future CX to a new
level, answering the following questions:

○ What qualities are customers like you looking for/expectingat the various
touchpoints in the consumer journey?

○ What contextual data can and/or should be collectedto enhance
touchpoints so that they allow specific qualitiesto occur?

○ What are the most likely opportunities to innovateand differentiate CX?

5. Considering the above in relation to your purchase,make recommendations that you
believe would increase consumer satisfaction, andloyalty. Base your recommendation