Write a Proposal that outlines your understanding of the modern slavery in south africa, what the global governance challenge you will be researching, and your client’s objectives in relation to the issue.

Global Governace challenge in south africa’s Moderen slavery

Write a Proposal that outlines your understanding of the modern slavery in south africa, what the global governance challenge you will be researching, and your client’s objectives in relation to the issue.

You have been hired by the south african government then you are playing the role of a public servant within a relevant government ministry/department.

The advice you will be preparing will be going to the political leaders, either an individual leader (eg. a minister) or a group of leaders as a consultant to help them improve their response to the issue. The first thing you need to do is present your new employers with a draft policy proposal so they understand:

please outline the foloowing in the proposal :

1/Political significance of [the issue] globally and for [the client]

2/Key contemporary global governance challenges in relation to [the issue]

3/ [The client’s] key objectives in engagement with global governance processes in relation to [the issue]